Functional Performance for 60 year olds and up

Functional Performance Solutions for 60 year olds and up
Are you functional?
Can you walk, climb stairs, bend, lift and still play sports? Muscle and joint changes can affect the way we function but improvements can be made through physical therapy and personal training. Sarcopenia which is the age-related loss of muscle mass (and power) is an enormous problem in most countries due to sedentary lifestyles and maybe even poor aging stereotypes. Old injuries can take hold and if never completely addressed, adds to a major loss in mobility, strength, power, and flexibility.
In order to know how to address your functional performance concerns...
We need to first evaluate your physical abilities. The Senior Fitness Tests are commonly used tests in physical therapy to assess deficits before prescribing an appropriate exercise plan. Use this link to help you self-assess your abilities:
One of the best tests for functional performance.
The Chair Stand test and the Up-and-Go test to assess leg strength, power, and agility are the best for assessing your physical and functional performance. For example, if a 70-year-old male can only perform 11 stands then he is at risk of falling. As this implies, strength and power are directly related to falling.
Anyone can improve!
The truth is ANYONE over 60 can train and increase their strength, stamina and fitness levels. All PT’s have seen this and the research concurs. A good personal trainer and/or physical therapist can help you feel more confident and physically stronger while avoiding injuries and protecting your joints.